Queen's Valley School organised Samagrata Mein Ekta , a cultural event under the Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat initiative, celebrating India's unity in diversity in October 2024. The event focused on the unique traditions of the Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep, bringing them to life through captivating traditional music, dance performances and role plays presented by students across classes I to XII. Participants embraced the islands' folklore, customs, and attire, showcasing their rich cultural heritage.
The event was not only an artistic celebration but also an opportunity to develop essential skills such as creativity, teamwork, public speaking, and self-confidence. It also instilled values of respect, unity, and cultural tolerance. Through the preparation, students explored the diverse traditions and lifestyles of the paired Union Territories, broadening their understanding of India's varied cultural landscape.
The energy, enthusiasm and involvement made Samagrata Mein Ekta a memorable experience, truly reflecting the spirit of EBSB and promoting cross-cultural understanding.
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