School Details
Name of the School Queen’s Valley School
Address Sector – 8, Dwarka, New Delhi-110077
Ph. No. 011 – 41655148
Year of establishment of school April, 2007
Whether NOC from State/UT or recommendation of Embassy of India obtained? Yes
NOC No. DE – 54/DDE/SWB ZONE – 21/Recogn./09/2125 – 34
NOC issuing date 31.01.2009
Is the School recognized, if yes by which Authority Yes, Directorate of Education, New Delhi
Status of Affiliation
Permanent / Regular / Provisional Provisional
Affiliation No. 2730599
Affiliation with the Board since 01.04.2010
Extension of affiliation upto 31.03.2030
Name of Trust/Society/Company Registered under Section 25 of Company Act, 1956 “Durga Parvati Khaitan Memorial Centre”
Period upto which Registration of Trust / Society is valid Perpetual, Under Societies Act, XXI, 1860
Area of School Campus
In Acres 1.98
In sq. mtrs. 8000.175
Built up area (sq. mtrs.) 6000
Area of playground in sq. mtrs. 2000
Swimming Pool No
Indoor Games YES
Dance Rooms YES
Gymnasium YES
Music Rooms YES
Hostels No
Health & Medical Check up YES
Detail of Fee,(monthly total fee) Excluding Annual Charges
Classes Total (Rs.)
Pre School – V 5,910
VI – VIII 5,985
IX & X 6,075
XI & XII 6,645
Science Fee & Computer Fee 330/- P. M. shall be charged from the students studying the subjects in class XI – XII per subject.
Transport Facilities
Own Buses YES
Buses Hired on Contract Basis NO
Details of Transport Charges Rs. 3300/- P.M. to Rs. 4500/- P.M.
Number of teaching staff
Principal 1
Head Mistress 1
TGT 19
PRT 34
Health Wellness Teacher / Counsellor 2
Librarian 2
Others 51
Details of salary being paid by the school to teaching Staff / non – teaching staff
Principal As per norms
PGT As per norms
TGT As per norms
PRT As per norms
PTI As per norms
Counsellor As per norms
Librarian As per norms
Others As per norms
Mode of payment of salary
Name of the Bank through which salary is drawn HDFC Bank
Through Single Cheque Transfer Advice YES
Individual Cheques NO
Cash NO
Library facilities
Size of the Library in sq. feet 1412
No. of Periodicals 21
No. of Dailies 5
No. of Reference Books Class-wise 37000
No. of Magazines 30
Others —–
Name of the Grievance/Redressal Officer Sh. Sunil Kumar
Members of Sexual Harassment Redressal Committee
Ms. Ambika Roshan
Ms. Surbhi Duggal
Mrs. Samriti Zalpuri
Class wise enrolment of school for the Current session
I 120
II 160
III 186
IV 198
V 200
VI 200
VII 200
VIII 194
IX 239
X 225
XI 203
XII 181
Total: 2538
Academic Session Period April-March
Vacation Period 16th May – 30th June
Admission Period 1st March - 31st July